Case Studies Demonstrating Industrial Usage of Engineering Analysis & Simulation
The case studies will aim to provide exemplars of good finite element practice that the engineer beginning his/her career may use to aid the transition from the idealised problems often considered in further/higher education to real practical engineering problems faced in industry. The case studies will be presented in individual chapters and will be cast as design/assessment problems. Suggestions for tutorial problems will be highlighted and potential ways for recasting the studies as failure analysis problems will be identified.
The book will start with a detailed introduction outlining the importance of computational simulation in the modern world, the potential socioeconomic benefits together with the responsibility put upon the shoulders of the professional simulation engineer. The closing chapter will summarise the contents of the book highlighting important practical conclusions that the reader may ponder and take away for further consideration in his/her future career.
Angus Ramsay
Nick Stevens, Senior Consultant at Tor Engineering is working with RMA on this project.
Łukasz Skotny, Assistant Professor at Wroclaw University of Technology and Owner of Enterfea is working with RMA on this project.
Jeremy Theler, Nuclear Engineer from Argentina and developer of the free and open source finite-element solver from scratch fino and a web-based interface to run FEM analysis directly on the cloud.
Useful Links
Tender Document for this NAFEMS Project