Edward's Book!

Friday, February 24, 2017

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Edward Maunder (Independent Technical Director at RMA) with a copy of his book Equilibrium Finite Element Formulations, written with his colleague ZP (J.P. Moitinho de Almeida) and published by Wiley. The book represents five years' of effort for the authors and presents the work of many years of collaboration in the field.

Edward with his Book!

Photographs taken by Margaret Maunder on 24th February 2017.

Edward presents a copy of his book to Angus Ramsay with the touching dedication 'for friendship and collaboration over 25 years!'

The Equilibrium Finite Element Formulation has formed the basis for the Equilibrium Finite Element (EFE) software tool developed by RMA. The exploitation of EFE in a commercial engineering environment still remains the goal of RMA and great strides have been made in getting the message of the importance of equilibrium over to practising engineers. The software has been used to provide updated results for the plastic limit loads of standard metallic plate configurations and for the design of reinforced concrete (RC) slabs. It is hoped, over the coming year, that the software will be migrated into a collaborator's code to provide dual (lower and upper bound) solutions for the design and assessment of flat RC slabs.

Angus Ramsay has written a Book Review.

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