Visit to John Robinson

Saturday, September 3, 2016

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Angus Ramsay (Technical Director) and Alison Meachem (Business Associate) visited John Robinson to discuss, amongst other matters, further development possibilities for RMA's business portfolio. John was responsible for encouraging Angus into finite element research following his attendance at one of John's Understanding Finite Element Stress Analysis (UFESA) courses run in Devon in 1990.

One possible opportunity that was discussed was the resurrection of John's series of industrial training (UFESA) courses on finite element theory for practising engineers. There are no such independent courses currently available to practising engineers, although the need, particularly with the so-called democratisation of simulation, could not be considered more pertinent to the safe and reliable practice of finite elements today.

During the meeting John presented Angus with a signed copy of his book 'Integrated Theory of Finite Element Methods':

John Robinson presenting his book to Angus Ramsay

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